I have always been aware of my energy usage and animals have always held a special place in my heart.
In December of 2008, I became ill and started researching what lifestyle choices I could make to benefit my health. Because I had considered following a vegetarian diet off and on throughout life, I started by finally seriously looking into it. I discovered not only many health benefits but also environmental benefits to this type of diet.
I have since become very passionate about the environment and work at making green choices every day. Because of my experience working in health care, I try to make choices that are not only healthy for my home girl, Mother Earth, but for myself as well.
Going back to my love of helping people, I hope my blog helps others on their path to going green and optimizing their personal health. If you like the site, please share it. Let's change the world together!
As of January 2010, I am writing for an amazing health and fitness website, She-Fit. Check out the Environment section to see how the environment and your health are connected.
Feel free to leave questions or comments at the end of a blog or email them to me at livinggreengirl@hotmail.com :)
Follow me on twitter: livinggreengirl